Capricorn begins on the winter solstice, the longest night of the year and the first day of winter – a time of brooding, dark, introspective power. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of cold rational, and Uranus, the planet of strong will. Thus natives of the sign are apt to be defensive loners, spurred by a single – minded ambition that carry them to great heights. Their progress may be slow, but it is virtually certain.
Capricorn’s totem is the goat. When astrologlical symbolism arose, it took into account the two kinds of goats – the domestic one, glommily chained to its post, and the sturdy and free-romaing wild goat.
The two are emblematic of Capricorns dual natures. If they feel chained and dutybound, they are dour and tacturn. They may be good and responsible individuals, but never joyful ones. On the other hand, Capricorns who discover their own paths have a feisty strength and harsh humor that will help them climb any mountain.
Finding the right mountain to climb can be Capricorn’s dilemma. They may reach a summit only to find that somewhere they wandered astray from the real goal. But if the correct peak in insight , oats will retrace their steps with only momentary discouragement before cheerfully turning again to their relentless climb. Still they will climb alone, and they may well be lonely at the top . Elvis Presley and Janis Joplin were both Capricorns .

Capricorn lies opposite Cancer on the zodiac’s wheel, and Goats share with Crabs the tendency to draw energy inward and to build structures around themselves. But while Cancerian’s seek to create homes and nurture families, Capricorns want to build empires, create political states. Driven, reclusive Capricorns who moulded others to their solitary visions included Mao Tse-tung, Joseph Stalin , and Richard Nixon. J. Edgar Hoover was a Capricorn, and so, ironically, was the gangster Al Capone. Howard Hughes was among the Capricorn builders of great business empires.
Capricorns are seldom impelled by a desire for money or possessions, nor do they take much pleasure in fleeing success nor fame, however brilliant. They want durable power and lasting monuments. Their chilly rationality helps them keep control of their own emotions and of all situations that might distract them.
They have a fierce work ethic and great managerial ability. They are capable of intense concentration and matchless determination. On thier way to their goals, they are indifferent to obstacles or privations and are seldom swayed by the feelings of others. They press ahead at any cost.
Sensitive Cancerians are tied to the past, but Capricorns have no use for what is, for their purposes, dead and gone. They move inexorably on, permitting themselves neither regrets nor nostalgia. As lovers or spouses, Capricorns will probably provide material security, but at the cost of emotional drought. Capricorns make commitments only after weighing all the elements of a potential union. And they are often too cool, too solitary, and too self -sufficient to make loving partners.
There is a grim and gothic side to the sign of the Goat. It was Capricorn Matthew Arnold, for example, who wrote that there is “neither joy, nor love, nor light, n ot certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain”.
The eerie writings of Capricorn Edgar Allen Poe also express this dark aspect. Even the Goats’ humor is usually of black variety, typified in the Cartoons of Capricorn Charles Addams.
Capricorns are so insular by nature that they can get perilously out of touch with other humans. If this happens, they faith may be to seclude themselves atop their cold mountains like hermits.
But it is not always so. The season of the Goat is not only the dead of winter; it is also the promise of spring it is the glory of the Capricorns that they can, from their hard -won summit, see sublime panoramas and inspire others with their vision and her mystic voices, Capricorn Martin Luther King Jr., left behind the enduring monument of his dream of social justice.” Dr king proclaimed shortly before his death, ” and I’ve looked over, amd I’ve seen the Promised land.
Reference: Mysteries of the unknown.