Human destiny is mysterious .Everyone suffers from certain miseries, sometimes in life. A very rich man enjoying all the luxuries of life may be unhappy due to marital discord, lack of progeny or any other personal matter. On the other hand a middle class man blessed with all domestic happiness may feel strangulated in material affairs. There are very few who are fully satisfied or blessed in every aspect.
Tao Quotes
Great indeed is the sublimity of the Creative, to which all beings owe their beginning and which permeates all heaven.
Lao Tzu
Today’s Moon Forecast
Moon in Capricorn
This often indicates deprivation in childhood that leads to a strong desire for emotional security. But, because these people find it hard to love themselves, they often find it difficult to form successful relationships. They will sometimes over-compensate by accumulating material possessions, working hard to obtain these. Others, often, mistakenly, see them as cold, unapproachable, and difficult to know.