The Process of Valuing – Self-Worth – How We develop Our Natural Resources – Attitudes Towards Money And Possessions – Emotional Attachments To Objects
The Second House at a Glance
House Classification: Fixed
Opposite House: Eight
Natural Ruler: Venus
Natural Sign: Taurus
Core Meaning: Developing Values and Natural Resources
Traditional Meanings: Money and Possessions
The second house is traditionally known as the house of money and possessions. Although this description certainly covers the ‘outer’ significance of this house, it does not really convey the core meaning. On a fundamental level, the second house shows how we stand in relation to the physical house and, more specifically, how we strive to make the most out of whatever resources or talents are available to us – especially those indicated by the first house.
In this respect, the second house also reveals how we value ourselves and what we hope to gain from developing our natural talents to the full. For instance, Scorpio in the second house might take the innate sense of ‘taste’ of Libra in the first, and find some way of turning it to its advantage in the outside world, employing the characteristic Scorpio intensity.
The second house can also pinpoint the psychological needs that shape our attitude to money and material possessions. For instance, it can show whether we want money for the freedom it buys, or to satisfy the desire for material and emotional security.
Planets in the Second House can also throw light on why money seems to slip through our fingers, or why we attach so much value to the possessions we own.
Planets in the Second House
Planets in the second house tend to hold on hard to what they value. In most cases, this translates into possessiveness or at least a strong attachment to what is owned. But with the more freedom-loving planets such as Uranus and, to a lesser extent, Jupiter, there may be a resistance to becoming burdened by such material attachments.
In their highest expression, planets in this house describe a need to create something of lasting value, something that can be left to posterity. In their lowest form, they indicate an entirely materialistic attitude, which can lead to even people being treated as possessions.
Reference: The Instant Astrologer: Felix Lyle and Bryan Aspland