LIBRA – September 23 – October 22


Libra at a Glance
Symbol: The Scales– Core Meaning:To Balance- Ruler: Venus- Element: Air- Quality: Cardinal-Polarity: Positive-Colour:All Pastels-Parts of the Body: Lumbar region, buttocks, kidneys, endocrine system.

By autumn the zodiac has come half-circle, and nature is midway in her cycle of generation and repose. All things seem to be seeking balance. It is the time of Libra, the scales, which is the sign of harmony and justice. If the first half of the zodiac was concerned with the development of the self, the second half deals with the relation of self to others. This is especially true for Libra, in which relationships are all. Librans are emotionally rich, gifted with tact and delicacy, and skilled at making and keeping friends. Because they are wonderfully careful not to harm or give offense, they invite confidence and trust. Through others they seek confirmation of themselves. But for all their loving natures, Librans have a talent for emotional distance – as their sign denotes.

It is the zodiac’s only inanimate symbol. Librans are at once involved and objective. They can look coolly on matters of the heart. At their best, they have the virtue of compassionate detachment. Still, Librans’ whole beings are centered on connections – not only between people, but between humans and the things around them. Like Taureans, Librans love beauty, but more as backdrop than as an end in itself. Librans want lovely settings where graceful events can unfold. To the extent that they are artists, their palettes are social settings and people their media. It is the zodiac’s only inanimate symbol. Librans are at once involved and objective.

They can look coolly on matters of the heart. At their best, they have the virtue of compassionate detachment. Still, Librans’ whole beings are centered on connections – not only between people, but between humans and the things around them. Like Taureans, Linbrans love beauty, but more as backdrop than as an end in itself. Librans want lovely settings where graceful events can unfold. To the extent that they are artists, their palettes are social settings and people their media.

Charming themselves, Librans value charm in others. They love gossip and parties and make wonderful hosts. The scales’ influence is particularly strong in women who preside over salons where people of note connect with one another. Moreover, guests at such salons are likely to include a number of Libran wits. Examples, past and present include writers Oscar Wilde, Truman Capote, and Gore Vidal.

But people born under this sign are also social in a more profound sense. When scales are out of balance, Linrans feel compelled to right them. They prize social justice and will battle mightily for it; however, their tactics will more likelyinvolve compromise than confrontation. Mahatma gandhi and former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt epitomizef the Libran love for both social justice and peace. But they both had contemplative sides, as most Librans do. Librans value solitude as an opportunity for gaining perspective on the past as well as the present. In aloneness, mature Librans center themselves and find balance.

Like all the signs, however, Libra has a less-attractive side. While fully evolved Librans are judicious, immature ones are judgmental. A fondness for meddling can make Librans a source of irr itation to their friends. Librans display great certitude when it comes to telling other people how to behave. Unfortunately,they are not as certain of their own paths. Vacillation is probably Librans’ greatest fault. The Scales, after all, have two sides, and Librans seem always beset by the tug of opposites. They want to be with people; they want to be alone. They need solitude for balance, yet they are very vulnerable to loneliness. They are usually active people, but they must fight natural tendencies toward indolence and languor.

Librans are very concerned with making the right choices – a real predicament for such equivocal creatures. For some, this results in chronic indecision. They may also be overtly dependent on the opinions of others and easily swayed by stronger personalities. Fortunately, the acute intelligence characteristic of Librans usually rescues them, in time, from quandaries their vacillation creates.

Emotionally, Librans are particularly vulnerable. They are so eager for friendship, and their appetite for involvement is so vast, that the slightest rebuff can cuse them great hurt. They are apt to feel martyred and badly used, and in reaction, to become overtly strict and critical. Moreover, Librans who are out of balance are so needy of love that they may accept any relationship, no matter how difficult or destructive, rather than be alone.

Librans need to fight the indecisiveness that threatens to sap their strength and dim their charm. They must care less indiscriminately for approval, and they must pay attention to their own development as they do to that of others. In this way, with all things in balance, Librans will be able to elicit the best in themselves and stimulate the best in others.

Reference: Cosmic Connections-Mysteries of the Unknown