Mercury the ruler of intelligence rules Emerald or Panna. It is green coloured soft gem never comes without intermingling fibers within and it is also the identification mark of true or fake gem.
It is notable that when Mercury is in Virgo, it may bring the native to the top of academic or literary fields unless badly aspected.
A Few General Characteristics of Emerald
Highly effective for perfect control of the nervous system. Defects of memory concentration, stammering, etc., essentially require Emerald.
Combust or debilitated Mercury often gives lung problems.
(Asthma, bronchitis) and may give rise to academic downfall. Here a good quality emerald creates wonders.
Businessmen, writers and publishers may liberally use emerald.
It is good for those who are lazy or those who need control over the tongue or engaged in communication.
It should not be worn by newly married couples, as it decreases sexual appetite and performance.
NB. If essential, must be worn with a Red Coral.
Universal Indication of Wearing Emerald
Virgo or Gemini ascendant.
Being a benefic when Mercury is combusted or debilitated.
Being a benefic when Mercury is placed in 6/8/12 houses
NB. It is notable that if lagnesh is in 6/8/12 houses, it creates difficulties in 24 to 32 years of life. Strengthening lagnesh by appropriate gem can ward off many malefic influences.
Benefic Mercury when retrograde and placed in Aries/Taurus/Leo/ Sagittarius/Capricorn/Aquarius/ Pisces.
NB. Retrograde planet when combust should not always be taken as strong. But when it is behind the Sun and previous house does not belong to the enemy house, it will behave like a strong planet.
Use of Emerald in Curing Diseases
Emerald alone in effective in:
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Depressive psychosis and other psycotic disorders
Hyeracidity or dyspepsia or stomatitis
NB. in Asthma add moon Stone and Pukhraj
in bronchitis use copper for Emerald setting.
With Gommedhe….used in;
Brain tumor
Breast Cancers
With pukhraj and moonstone, used in:
With Blue Sapphire (in Punchdhatu), used in:
Gallstones (use Emerald in gold)
Paralytic attacks.
Emerald for various Ascendants
Aries: Lord of 3rd and 6th houses Mercury is not an auspicious planet. it is never a Yogi planet but may create a yoga if placed in 11th house along with Sun and Venus. Mercury in 2,4,6,7,8, and 9 houses often provides speech, lung, skin disorders with or without nervous troubles. When these problems are aggravated during periods of Mercury one may use very small (hardly exceeding 2 Rattis) Emerald around the neck but always add Pukhraj as a protective talisman.
Lord of 2nd and 5th houses mercury is always auspicious. In the star of Sun or mercury it further becomes Yogi. When rashi is Leo and Jupiter + Mercury both aspect 4th house a great yoga is created. Mercury + Venus in Ascendants and Jupiter in 7th also create good yoga. Mercury when 7/8/9/11/12 houses, Emerald is essential.
In this ascendant, if a native observes change in colour of Emerald it means that he is not in sincere company. When colour becomes pale it shows indifference in love and spouse and soon he will leave her when the colour completely fades.
Lagnesh and Mercury loses Kendradhipati dasha. In the stars of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, Mercury becomes Yogi. Along with the sun when Mercury is in lagna or 4th it creates Bhadra yoga. In all the above conditions Emerald is very good. While Mercury in 6,7,8,10 and 12 houses Emerald becomes a must!
Lord of 12th and 3rd Mercury is never a good planet. Running major period of Mercury when it is in its own house is the only indication for using Emerald.
2nd and 11th Lord Mercury highly rules materialistic matters, when Mercury is in Jupiter or Sun’s star it behaves like a yogi planet. In 4,5,6,8,9 and 12 houses it may provide speech, throat and hearing problems and use of Emerald may decrease these effects. In this ascendant, weight should be more than 4 – 5 Rattis. In the major /sub-periods of Mercury one may use Emerald.
Lagnesh Mercury also rules 10th and becomes yogi in the star of Mercury, Jupiter or Venus. Its use is of course unquestionable.
9th and 12th lord Mercury can become yogi when in its own star. With Sun in 12th or Sun + Mercury + Venus in ascendant or Mercury + Venus +Saturn in ascendant, it gives good yoga. It is a great friend of lagnesh and use of diamond with emerald may bring unexpected laurels.
Lord of 8 and 11houses, Mercury cannot become auspicious, though relation with Jupiter or placing along with Sun and Venus in 7th house is a yoga creating condition. Mercury alone in 1,2,4,5,9,10 and 11 houses may indicate wearing of emerald in major periods of Mercury itself, otherwise it is not indicated.
Suffering from kendridhipati dosha, Mercury is maraka,. In the star of Sun, Mercury and Jupiter its position is good. Mercury in 1,2,4,5,7,9, and 10 houses may indicate its use in major periods of Mercury. When Mercury in 6/8/12 houses one has to suffer a serious setback in profession. One may wear Emerald to improve it but when setbacks are restricted to marital affairs use of Pukhraj is much better.
Lord of trikona Mercury also rules 6th. On the whole it is auspicious and when placed in star of Venus it becomes Yogi. One very interesting yoga is created in this lagna. Though lord of 9th but when placed in own 9th house along with Jupiter in lagna aspected by Venus (a yogakaraka) it provides long life with endless poverty. One should avoid it in Mars and Jupiter’s main periods otherwise it is a good gem for these natives.
5th and 8th lord Mercury becomes Yogi in the third star of venus. it is capable of creating yoga when placed in 3rd along with Sun + Jupiter, Though overall auspicious emerald should be combined with Neelam to get maximum results and to avoid unexpected results of the 8th house.
Lord of 4th and 7th houses Mercury suffers from Kendradhipati dosha and affects longevity. It cannot become Yogi in any star. Mercury in its own sign or 2,5,9,10 and 11 houses is good. However, emerald should be avoided as far as possible. In the major period of Mercury one may use it along with Pukhraj. Calculation of age and illness is essential.
More about Emerald
Emerald should be flawless and should not have any black spots within . mIt is often worn in silver unless specified (Some also use gold). Weight is adjusted according to requirement but often more than 3 ratti. It should be worn on a Wednesday ruled by Revati, Jyestha or Ashlesha stars specially when Mercury is transiting own signs Gemini or Virgo (50-150). Finger is 4th and prefer a time within one hour of sunrise or between 12:00-13:30 hours. The mantra to inoculate strength is “Om baraang bareeng barong sau budhaye namah” which should be recited ideally 9000 times or one may use the already abhhiimantrit gems with 108 mantras. Also donate green grass to cows, green cloths to young children or orphans. Pooja should be performed with different coloured flowers. Inimical gem to the Emerald is NONE. Its age is 3 years. afterwards it should be changed.
Dedicated to Lord of Brilliance, Mercury
Reference: Gem Therapy in Vedic Astrology: Dr. Neeraj Lalwani