How To Read The Celtic Cross Spread
This spread is very popular; it can simply and clearly assess a problem, what caused the problem, and what the outcome may be. It is limiting in that it does not provide information on how to change the outcome, The Celtic Cross spread can be a useful starting point. Once you’ve seen the snapshot of the situation, you can use the cards to gain more detail or an insight. There are many variations of this spread, but the one below is very common.
Significator (optional): The significator is considered optional by many readers. Check the above link for additional information. | You This card represents you in relation to the question. | Crossing This card indicates the conflict. |
Foundation This card here will illustrate the issues. | Past Here you will find significant influences from the past that shape the current problem. | Present The present forces affecting the situation. |
Future Here are forces that will affect the outcome. | Yourself This card is your self-image, which may be different from the “you” in card two. Self-image does not always reflect the inner you. | Environment This is how others see you in this situation. |
Hopes and Fears Here is the card illustrating either what you most hope for or most fear. | Outcome This card indicates the probable outcome, if all things remain as they are as they at the moment of the reading. |
The Spreads
Reference:The Gilded Tarot Companion: Barbra Moore