The year of the Earth pig , according to the Chinese Astrology. It comes after the year of the Earth Dog (2018). February 5, 2019, will mark the beginning of the Chinese New Year 2019, and according to the Chinese horoscope, the pig or Boar is a sign for the Chinese New year 2019 day, which will end on the 24th January 2020. The central element of Chinese Zodiac is the earth.
The Earth Pig is the animal sign for Chinese New Year 2019, which have great benefits to the natives of the previous Chinese zodiac sign of the animal wheel of the lunar calendar. According to the horoscope, everything that the pig want’s to accomplish during 2019 will be successful. The greatest source of self-esteem for the Pig is luck and success.
The Pig makes other people envious by his cunningness. This aspect makes new friends come naturally and in huge numbers, they are attracted by his beneficent and luck of aura. These friends normally come with good intentions and bring a natural mutual benefit to their presence. Others though only seek to enjoy shamelessly the generous and joyful company of the Pig.
Lucky colors of the Year of the Pig
To bring the right balance of energy flow of the year of the Pig, the most favored colors are red and white. it is used in every event, be it in fashion trends, weddings, gifts or decoration of homes. Generally, the color red signifies luck, festive seasons, and marriage according to the Chinese tradition. On the other hand, the color white, gray, silver and gold is synonymous with the Metal element. Practices like wearing red and white colored outfits, with jewelry, can help significantly to harmonize the year 2019’s energies. It is not necessary that you overdo the red colors. All it takes is a little touch of red and white in your daily life. Something worth noting is that having a red wallet or purse will get your fingers to burn by the money it contains
2019 for Rooster
The Year of the Dog (2018) saw numerous challenges facing the Rooster. However; this year (2019), the year of the Pig, sees a much happier year ahead. However Rooster is still advised to avoid stress. It is time to enjoy the sunshine. Effort in your career will serve you well this year Rooster. The luckiest time for Rooster this year will be between March the third and the fifteenth of June.
2019 Tiger
This is a challenging year for the Tiger; 2019 being the year of the Pig, yet it holds great potential. This year Tiger; focus on being as compromising as possible with people, and you will find many helpers delivering what you need. Your professional life sees great success for those Tigers in business. Finances are also on the up for the Tiger during the Year of the Pig, and unexpected windfalls come to you. It seems you have the Midas Touch this year Tiger. However, watch your spending. Between the twelfth of September and December, the twenty-sixth is your luckiest time this year.
2019 Horse
The 2019 Horse Horoscope shows that a brilliant star will radiate upon you and encircle you with positive vibrations, Generally, the year 2019 will be a fantastic one for horses with increased fortune as well as prospective growth opportunities. Try and initiate a healthy routine through appropriate diet and maintaining a proper physical shape. It is vital to recognize that one may encounter some upsurge in stress levels emanating from high productivity. Nonetheless, the secret to lessening stress levels or restraining them to manageable levels is maintaining healthy habits.
2019 OX
2019 shows an increase in abundance for the Ox, and also a more stable year than the previous year of the Dog. It is important for Ox to strengthen family ties this year. The luckiest time of the year for Ox this year will be between February the Ninth and July the Second. This year Ox, take more time to relax as sometimes less is more.
2019 Dragon
2019, the Year of the Earth Pig, which adopts an unmediated perspective will be met with vigor by Dragon, and they will attract numerous opportunities. This year Dragon, you must stay focused. There will be fewer obstacles for the Dragon this year than the year of the Dog (2018). Pigs have soft spots for Dragons, may the year is favorable for you in many ways. Dragon, though you must master your stubbornness this year, because this enhances your compatibility.
Your luckiest months this year are between the Eight of January and June the Nineteenth. This year 2019 is the year of the Earth Pig, according to the Chinese Astrology. It comes after the year of the Earth Dog (2018). February 5, 2019 will mark the beginning of the Chinese New Year 2019 and according to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig or Boar is a sign for the Chinese New Year 2019 day which will end on the 24th of January 2020. The main element of the Chinese zodiac is the earth.
Reference: YiWah