Michel de Nostradame, often simply known to Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, occultist and doctor who wrote a number of grim predictions about the future in his 1555 book Les Propheties.
Although his predictions were often vague, based on astrological observations, many believe that of his 942 forecasts many have come true.
From foreseeing the horrors of the Second World War to predicting the French Revolution and the Great Fire of London, the accuracy of Nostradamus’s eerie prophecies means people continue to heed his writings hundreds of years on.
The way his accounts of the future are written, a lot of what he predicts can be applied to several different scenarios.

Nostradamus was a man shrouded in mystery
It has been claimed that he knew that John F Kennedy would be assassinated and about the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York.
As a doctor in the time of plague, famine and war, Nostradamus was exposed to the most horrifying and apocalyptic conditions, even losing his first wife and two children to the plague.
Many have interpreted his macabre writing as predictions of doomsday events including a zombie apocalypse, an asteroid hitting the Earth and a deadly solar storm.
Indeed, one of Nostradamus’s prophecies almost came true this year when he referred to “Fire do I see that from the sky shall fall”.
In April of this year, the Earth did have a near-miss with the Asteroid 2021GW4, which came within 12,324 miles of the surface of Earth as its closest point of approach, the Mirror reports.
In April of this year, the Earth did have a near-miss with the Asteroid 2021GW4, which came within 12,324 miles of the surface of Earth as its closest point of approach, the Mirror reports.
In April of this year, the Earth did have a near-miss with the Asteroid 2021GW4, which came within 12,324 miles of the surface of Earth as its closest point of approach, the Mirror reports.
This has been proved correct a few times over the centuries, with Russian, Prussian and Austrian troops swarming Paris after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814, the Prussians invading France’s Alsace-Lorraine region in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 and of course the Nazi invasion in World War II.
His prediction goes as such: However, the following prediction is speculated to be referring to the spring of 2022:
“Blue-head shall white-head
harm in such degree,
As France’s good to both shall e’er amount.”
The highly vague predictions could be referring to World War III or France’s qualification for the 2022 Qatar World Cup.
Global Warming
Nostradamus was apparently ahead of many people today in terms of understanding the dangers of rising global temperatures.
The 1555 prediction reads:
“Like the sun the head shall sear the shining sea:
The Black Sea’s living fish shall all but boil.
When Rhodes and Genoa
Half-starved shall be
The local folk to cut them up shall toil.”
With coral reefs being bleached by rising ocean temperatures, crop cycles being affected by unseasonal heatwaves and supply chains disrupted, this prediction does feel far from the truth.
Inflation, Starvation and Cannibalism
If it wasn’t a bleak enough picture, Nostradamus predicted rising food costs causing widespread hunger and even cannibalism:
“No abbots, monks, no novices to learn;
Honey shall cost far more than candle-wax”
“So high the price of wheat,
That man is stirred
His fellow man to eat in his despair”
Empty shelves and increasing food prices have become a part of daily life in the past year but it’s all we can hope that no one will be required to take more desperate measures.
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
On a slightly lighter note, Nostradamus may have predicted the plot of Terminator.
He wrote:
“The Moon in the full of night over the high mountain,
The new sage with a lone brain sees it:
By his disciples invited to be immortal,
Eyes to the south. Hands in bosoms, bodies in the fire.”
Man’s creation of robots may be both a help and a hindrance.
His words could be interpreted as artificial intelligence helping humans reach immortality or a violent end.
Reference: My London: Rory Bennett: