Card Oracle – Tarot

Three Card spread: Choose three cards for reading on Past present and future results.
Click on three seperate cards in the four rows of cards displayed and then click on the submit button.
Results for your reading become visible.


The Fool
Wheel of Fortune
The Chariot
The Magician
The Devil
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Sun
The Tower
The Hermit
The Empress
The High Prestess
The World
The Star
The Moon
The Lovers
The Hanged Man


The Fool

The image of the Fool typically represents the querent at the start of their journey - innocent, unknowing, with no baggage to hold them back and the world of potential before them.

In the present position it could represent a new journey or phase of life.

This card is associated with Air and the planet Uranus in a wider sense, and keywords that are associated with The Fool are:

  • Innocence
  • New beginnings
  • Ignorance
  • Childish wonder
  • Carelessness
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The Moon

The Moon represents uncertainty in the Tarot - something that is unclear, or obscured from you.

In this, the present position of a reading, it may mean that you are misunderstanding something or someone around you. You aren’t completely ignorant (like The Fool), you simply lack clarity. You may be afraid of what you don’t know. But the unknown will remain intimidating until you discover more about it, so you need to find out.

This card is associated with Water and Pisces in a wider sense, and keywords that are associated with The Moon are:

  • Delusion
  • Obscurity
  • Deception
  • Fantasy
  • Secrets
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